Wednesday, 22 August 2012


We had sooooo much fun at MOTAT. The bus ride was very noisy!! Mrs W bought her panandine just in case, I think she had to use them on the way home.

Mrs S was a hard task master, we had to clean and fix the train before we were allowed to have a ride.

Some of us worked harder than others!

Then all the naughty children got put in the stocks, they don't look happy at all, I think they learnt there lesson.

And for those who hadn't a quick stint in the jail soon fixed them. There was much crying and moaning "Let me out!"

It was so loud Mrs S had to let them out just to get a bit of piece and quiet. Oh and we learnt alot about Transport too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a lot of fun room 9. hope you all had an amazing fun.