Wednesday, 22 August 2012


We had sooooo much fun at MOTAT. The bus ride was very noisy!! Mrs W bought her panandine just in case, I think she had to use them on the way home.

Mrs S was a hard task master, we had to clean and fix the train before we were allowed to have a ride.

Some of us worked harder than others!

Then all the naughty children got put in the stocks, they don't look happy at all, I think they learnt there lesson.

And for those who hadn't a quick stint in the jail soon fixed them. There was much crying and moaning "Let me out!"

It was so loud Mrs S had to let them out just to get a bit of piece and quiet. Oh and we learnt alot about Transport too!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012


Trains can carry wild birds. Trains can carry dangerous fish. Steam trains run on coal, they are old fashioned trains. Trains honk their horns to warn the cars. They take a long time to stop. BY ZD

RS - Motor-bikes

Motor-bikes can jump and do a wheelie. Motor-bikes are fun to ride on. Motor-bikes run on petrol. They are noisy. BY RS

KT - Scooters

Scooters can do a whirly and a bar spin. To be safe you have to go to the skate park. I like going down the ramp. By KT

Thursday, 9 August 2012

CW - Spring

In Spring I see red blossoms, as red as a Robin's neck. By CW

AF - Spring

In Spring I see lambs jumping down the hill. The grownups have baby lambs. They are very, very, very cute. By AF

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

AM -Spring

I saw a birds nest. Buds turn into leaves in Spring. By AM

ES- Spring

Some trees don't have leaves. In the Spring birds chirp all day long. By ES

RJ - Spring

We heard birds singing. They were lovely. Pink blossoms are as pink as a girls skirt. By RJ

RS - Spring

Baby chickens look like a smowball.I just want to cuddle them. They are so cute. By RS

ZD - Spring

Red blossoms are as red as a robin's neck. Deer are born in Spring and they grow. Flowers grow in Spring too. By ZD

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

We are going to be having a visit from author John Parker in the library this Wednesday. You can read all about him and see some of the books he has written on display in the library. Maybe you can even have a question ready for him!