Friday, 27 April 2012

HR - Hiding

Kaley tricked me.  Kaley hid behind a tree.I thought Kaley had gone to NooNoo's already. by HR

AP - The Praying Mantis

I found a Praying Mantis at my Nana's house. It was on a leaf. by AP

HW- Anzac Parade

I am going to the Anzac parade, to remember the men who died. by HW

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

ZD- The whiteboard

When I was on the whiteboard learning centre I drew a giant fish chasing a litttle fish. The little fish said"No way" to the big fish who wanted to eat him. by ZD

ES & RJ Taking photos

Mrs S let us go on the playground and take photos of each other, up close and far away. Didn't we do well.
by RJ and ES

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Taking photos for ICT

AF took this photo

AB took this photo

JL took this photo

KT took this photo

We are learning how to take photos using the digital camera. We have learnt to put the strap around our hand first. Then how to turn the camera on and which button to push to take the photo. We have also learnt how to use the grid on the camera screen,so we can get our subject in the middle of the photo. Next we are going to learn how to zoom in and out.

RS - Crystal Mountain

On the holidays I am going to Crystal Mountain. by RS 4.4.12

KT - Bowling

On Saturday I went to bowling, with my Dad and my brother. My brother won. by KT 4.4.12

ZD - My book

I have a noisy book. It has batteries at the back. BY ZD 4.4.12